5+ white/white-showgirl silkie eggs for shipment Friday


10 Years
Jul 9, 2009
This auction is just in case anyone wants these eggs for a quick-sale for shipment tomorrow (trying to keep myself from hatching too many chicks myself). In this pen we have 2 white hens, 1 showgirl rooster (with double-naked-neck gene) and 1 white silkie from Dylan's silkies (sold to us cheaply due to imperfect toes - but we love him and he's very sweet!) The most active rooster currently is the showgirl so I'm just guessing most of the babies will have the naked neck gene. The babies will just get 1 copy of the gene so they'll have the bow-tie look on their neck as you may have seen in other photos of showgirls. My sister loves our rooster the best though because she says he looks like a character straight out of a Dr. Suess book! The white silkie girls we have are the best broodies and love taking care of our young seramas. I can include 1 serama egg as the extra egg if you'd like (we have size B breeders from Jerry, as well as a cute frizzle boy and 2 more size B hens from PhiladelphiaPhlock).


Hi! We're in Texas too!
I have lots of shade though and live outside the city where it's cooler. I do have friends though that are in town w/ silkies. I think it's fine!

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