6+ Blue laced red wyandottes


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
Up for auction are 6+ Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. My line originated from Foley, Osio, and others. There is a splash rooster over 2 splash and 2 blue hens, which will result in all splash and blue chicks, no blacks.



Hi! Gorgeous birds!! Do you mind if I ask why you don't support NPIP? I've never heard anyone say that before and wondered if there's something I should know before I try to get my birds NPIP certified. Hope this doesn't qualify as a thread high-jack!!
Thanks ~Kimberly
i wouldnt go NPIP unless your really big. going NPIP is nice because you can sell at premium price and sell to anyone but they can come in and if 1 of your birds is sick they can wipe out your whole flock without permission. It alot of paperwork and expensive to do. If your a hobby farmer or small time i wouldnt advise it
It's just my personal preference. 1) I dont particulary trust the government especiall\\y with all the NAIS bills they're trying to pass in which they would make you register and pay for each bird you have and 2) I darn sure don't want the the gov't or anyone else telling me who I can and can't buy birds from. Once you are NPIP, you can only buy birds from other NPIP farms. So, if I wanted to buy birds from someone on here with beautiful birds, I may not be able to unless they are NPIP registered, No thanks! We recently had a decent discussion about the pros and cons of NPIP. 6 pages worth for your viewing pleasure, lol. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=337964
Im glad to hear others are not supporting the Programs that ultimatly lead to Premise ID and the lose of property rights.. we are also a no NAIS and No NPIP farm
Not true,they will not wipe out your flock without permission and they don't for one sick bird,it doesnt cost anything in state of NH because they have a grant so right now it is free and there was no paper work for testing but there is paperwork for certification but all you have to do is list the breeds your raising and your name & address.....This however is for the State of NH...MA I believe does the same.
Once you have a premise.. they can legally come on your premise ( as it is no longer covered under property laws or rights) with out a warrant or hearing and confiscate or destroy anything they want. Thats not saying they will.. it is saying legally.. they can and it is worded just like that in the bill too. .

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