I am offering 6 Golden/Cuckoo Maran Eggs, only because my bators are full. We are hatching daily, so this may be the only week i am offering. The chicks that hatch, will be both Golden/Silver...possibly English and French. The Goldens are sex linked.... so you may see a yellow chick in the bunch that hatches...that is a golden cockeral, the pullets will be black w/red heads, the silvers will of course look black with some yellow at hatch in both sexes. Any questions... just PM me. I will combine auctions, if you want Black Jersey Giants as well. I am getting French chicks in my hatches... so makes for a nice surprise at hatch time!!! You wont be disappointed.~Edit~ I DID forget to mention egg color in this auction... please be informed, that some of the hens are laying a dark terra cotta colored egg... and afew are laying a lighter egg. The lighter eggs are a tinted/light brown, and another lays a dark pink egg. The lighter tinted egg is what is producing the most Goldens right now, so i have opted to keep this hen in my program, and work on the desired egg color at a later time. Right now i am trying to establish a french golden cuckoo program, so we are still in project phase with them.
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