-6 day old Muscovy duck
-Discomfort noticed on day 1
-Kept in 2 inches fresh shavings, fed duck feed, lettuce, peas, access to grass/insects
-Additional niacin supplement since day 3
-Foot soaked daily in Epsom salts
-30 g smaller than ducks born on the same day.
-reluctant to put weight on the swollen right leg. Swims with strong leg. Spends a lot of time sitting although tries to keep up with other ducks.
It was suggested the toe is broken. Do you agree / disagree? Anyone experience a similar injury
Looking for other ideas and recommendations for splitting and support as well as treatment.
Have researched online but this is our first Injured duckling and we aren’t sure what best options for support are. Want to decrease discomfort and improve ability to move around
-Discomfort noticed on day 1
-Kept in 2 inches fresh shavings, fed duck feed, lettuce, peas, access to grass/insects
-Additional niacin supplement since day 3
-Foot soaked daily in Epsom salts
-30 g smaller than ducks born on the same day.
-reluctant to put weight on the swollen right leg. Swims with strong leg. Spends a lot of time sitting although tries to keep up with other ducks.
It was suggested the toe is broken. Do you agree / disagree? Anyone experience a similar injury
Looking for other ideas and recommendations for splitting and support as well as treatment.
Have researched online but this is our first Injured duckling and we aren’t sure what best options for support are. Want to decrease discomfort and improve ability to move around