6 month old rooster


May 28, 2018
I have a six month old rooster who is just now starting to become interested in the ladies, he also doesn't crow. (he tried once and failed miserably and he hasn't tried since.) I have three laying hens right now, when should I expect fertile eggs? I'm wanting to start hatching. I've checked the eggs to see if they are fertile, but I'm not for sure what I'm looking for.

They say that after a rooster has left a flock of hens that their eggs will remain fertile for another 3 weeks, so I'm guessing it would take at least that amount of time to become fertile.

The best way to check if some of the eggs are fertile is to crack one open and check on the yolk for the 'bullseye'.

I have three over six months and one that is five months old and laying
That's old enough, but, it's best not to hatch smaller pullet eggs, they may not develop well, you will have better luck if you wait until eggs are at least a 'large' size(2ozs).

They say that after a rooster has left a flock of hens that their eggs will remain fertile for another 3 weeks, so I'm guessing it would take at least that amount of time to become fertile.
Yes, stored sperm can last up to 4 weeks.....but only takes a couple days after being successfully mated to produce a fertile egg.
Your pullets and cockerel are very young, and it will be better to give them all more time to mature before trying to hatch their eggs.
When the days are getting longer again will be better. Bigger eggs, more reliable fertility.
Maybe you'll get lucky and have a broody!
Most cockerels are not great at the breeding for awhile. He may mount and successfully inseminate them at 6 months, but they tend to be rather rough on the girls for awhile until their hormones calm down and they're a bit seasoned.

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