6 week old bantam chicks - what size is normal?


Apr 13, 2012
Ok so I have 6 week old bantam chicks. They are feathered in for the most part, fuzz unded their wings. Also some of them are larger then others. So quesiton is what size is normal? Is not fully feathered normal? HELP?
So i can see that already with all of them (all 5 are different breeds so it shows) Question is, what are signs that they are growing ok, vs they are getting by? I mean I have provided them with everything a chickie needs, water, food, warmth...space. But let's face it this is my first flock and they can't talk
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All bantams:
1 - mille fleur d'uccle
1 - buff brahma
1 - easter egger
1 - welsummer
1 - belgian quail antwerp
The welsummer I have no clue about I haven't been around them but I do know that your buff brahma will be bigger than the rest do to it being a larger bantam breed. There are forums I believe for each of the breeds look at them and compare to your chicks.

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