6 week old barred rock roo or pullet?


7 Years
Sep 1, 2012
Front Range Colorado
This one has me going back and forth and back and forth.

I only have one of these, so nothing to compare too. Hatchery stock, from Meyers.
He/she is HUGE compared to his/her hatch mates. The comb and waddles seem a little red, but not 'plump' like other roos of this age. Look at the dark legs too. What you do experts think? Roo or pullet?

These are all the same bird.

I am leaning pullet but you will need to wait to be sure. I have had some HUGE hens that came from Meyer via a feed store. And a few that I swore were roos (even tried to rehome one) only to find after another month that 'he' turned girly again.
I have someone who wants to buy some pullets from me NOW and she really wants a barred rock. I don't want to sell this one if I don't know, but I don't want to disappoint my friend either.

Any other guesses?
All of my barred rocks started growing wattles at about 4 weeks. They are now 13 weeks and only now are the combs starting to grow and turn pink. Here are a few pics of my hatchery quality girls for you to compare with.

"almost no wattles' that is what has me worried. There ARE wattles. Is that normal for a 6 week old pullet? The white rock don't have any.

Ok, let me word that differently. I'm pretty sure that that's the normal amount of wattlage for a six week pullet. Barred rocks can vary a lot. I have one hen with really big wattles and comb, who weighs seven pounds, but my other hen has small comb and wattles and she weighs four and a half pounds. But I haven't had rock chicks for awhile, so you might want to get more than one person to say it's a pullet. The legs and feathers are still really pointing at girl, though.

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