6 week old pekin bantams - help please!


8 Years
Sep 2, 2011
Hi there! Am very new to this so apologies if this isn't right, but I was hoping some lovely people would be able to help hazard a guess as to the gender of my two new Pekin bantams?

We have been very lucky so far, only let our mummy sit on 2 eggs, both turned out to be fertile, both hatched and both are thriving still, but we do think that unfortunately both are boys, which is a shame as they're gorgeous.

Hope those pics worked!

Thanks in advance :)
Well..............if those chicks were mine - I would be calling them boys.

They both have very red combs with wattle development and none of my pekin (cochin) pullets are ever that red, that young with wattle development.

Couple more pics, just in the faint hope you are wrong! They look to me just like our female pullet, Sunny, but unfortunately, judging by what I've read on the internet (and on here), they are mini Butch's!

The cockerel/daddy is still looking after them, which seems odd for cocks as I thought they fought/disowned them, and there's been no crowing, as yet!

A good rooster will care for chicks in his flock - from feeding them to even snuggling with them at night. When cockerels get to be 10 to 12 weeks old - then is when the rooster generally starts to push them a bit away from the flock, as Daddy knows they are becoming young men. Every rooster is different thou, some care longer. And generally about 16/18 weeks - Dad might get a bit sterner with them.

Gosh I hate to say it, but I am 99% sure they are cockerels.................I know how much that hurts when you are hoping for pullets. Trust me.........I have a 2 year old rooster named Marilyn - cause I hope so much that he would be a girl.

Thanks for all your replies
not put off raising chicks at all - we've asked someone who breeds chickens for a living, and they're convinced they're girls. We're still not convinced either way! They're now 10 weeks old:


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