6 week red broiler wobbly and won’t eat


Jun 30, 2018
ive got 30 birds and they’ve all been fine. This morning I noticed one that did not run to the end of their run as all the rest did. It was reluctant to get up and it’s legs seemed really weak. As I went to pick it up, it got scared and tried to get away but it stumbled badly, fell over and wobbled. So I separated it from the rest and it has not taken food or water on it’s own. I got some water down it but it’s just sitting in the bottom of a box, alert but seems like she’s on her way out. There are no other signs of illness, eyes and comb look good. Feet and legs look fine too. I am thinking maybe she ate something she should not have.

I realize this is so vague that it’s hard to Diagnose but ideas are welcome. Other birds still look fine.
It's young, but Mareks comes to mind. Otherwise you may want to try some poultry vitamins in case it's a deficiency.
You can use nutridrench or rooster booster poultry cell. Is this bird too heavy for its legs? Isn’t that what happens to (some?) broilers at about that age?
You might be right on the cause. I had not thought of that. I have 8 of these birds and one of them had some leg problems at about two weeks but got better. This could be the same bird (1 out of 8). The legs seem well developed but in just reading on this, the problem can be in the growth plates or joints, where it’s not visible. I’ll keep an eye on it. At the moment it is separated from the others on the chance it has something contagious.
It was reluctant to get up and it’s legs seemed really weak. As I went to pick it up, it got scared and tried to get away but it stumbled badly, fell over and wobbled.

it has not taken food or water on it’s own. I got some water down it but it’s just sitting in the bottom of a box, alert but seems like she’s on her way out.

I have 8 of these birds and one of them had some leg problems at about two weeks but got better. This could be the same bird (1 out of 8). The legs seem well developed but in just reading on this, the problem can be in the growth plates or joints, where it’s not visible.
Hi @BorregoMike
Can you post some photos of the chick? (whole bird, legs and her poop)
How are you keeping your broilers? Are they in a brooder, coop/run, tractor, etc.?
What are you feeding them?

A few things come to mind. Coccidiosis overload, nutritional deficiency and since this is a broiler it could be a genetic leg disorder/deformity.
With her not wanting to eat/drink - check her crop - what does that feel like? hard, soft, fully, empty, squishy, doughy, sour?

Inspect her legs, especially at the joints - is anything swollen?

What are the broilers for - are you keeping them for pets or do you plan on processing them?

Hopefully we can help you figure this out, look forward to photos and more information.
Good advice so far already. I am not that familiar with broilers, but some breeds can be ready to butcher by 6-8 weeks. An economical vitamin is vitamin B complex that has thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and others, and it can be crushed in water or sprinkled over the feed. A couple of drops of canola oil or water can help it stick to the feed when stirred. Rooster Booster Poultry Booster is another good one for chickens, and it is sprinkled over the feed as well. It has vitamins and minerals such as calcium and phosphorous to give a boost for leg health.

About $10 at Tractor Supply and other feed stores.
Hi @BorregoMike
Can you post some photos of the chick? (whole bird, legs and her poop)
How are you keeping your broilers? Are they in a brooder, coop/run, tractor, etc.?
What are you feeding them?

A few things come to mind. Coccidiosis overload, nutritional deficiency and since this is a broiler it could be a genetic leg disorder/deformity.
With her not wanting to eat/drink - check her crop - what does that feel like? hard, soft, fully, empty, squishy, doughy, sour?

Inspect her legs, especially at the joints - is anything swollen?

What are the broilers for - are you keeping them for pets or do you plan on processing them?

Hopefully we can help you figure this out, look forward to photos and more information.

Here is a photo of her. 6 week old red broiler raised for meat. I took her out of the box today and she stood and walked a few steps just fine but then sat down. Crop felt about right to me.
She has not pooped much all day but when she was out she pooped a massive amount, really foul smelling, different colors. She does not want to eat or drink. She’s separated from the others but so far the others look OK.

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