6 weeks- both cockerels?


6 Years
Feb 15, 2013
Light Brahma and Easter Egger




Thanks! I sure would love some more input. I am convinced the EE is a rooster, mostly by is triple pea-comb, but does the red really look like a "shoulder patch"? It seems to be all over the entirety of both wings....
Thanks!  I sure would love some more input.  I am convinced the EE is a rooster, mostly by is triple pea-comb, but does the red really look like a "shoulder patch"? It seems to be all over the entirety of both wings....

That's what I call them, anyways it covers around where the shoulder is.:p
Im reading up on sexing EE, and I am starting to understand. Its actually quite obvious when you see it, just hard to explain or describe. Its just so hard to admit when you are in denial...
Agree the EE is male, sorry...

Brahmas can be very slow to mature, sometimes they're a good 4 months before roosters make themselves really known. Theoretically, the pea comb should act the same for sexing....I've just not seen it used on Brahmas a lot. How many rows on that bird?

edited for puppy trying to help me type lol.
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I'd think both are males. The Brahma's got very tiny crest and wattles which seems normal for them but the whole face under the feathering is very red, which in a female you'd see around point of lay most likely.

Best wishes.

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