6week old Araucana roo late bloomer?


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Southeast texas
I have a batch of Araucana chicks that have feather out nicely, well all but this one, any ideas why?
He eats good ,his poo looks fine, and he is very active.





here's a random shot of some of my other chicks with all their feathers


Thanks for looking
I think that is common with baby roo's. Sometimes thats a early indicator that its a boy if other signs are not showing already. He has very nice colors
Aww, very pretty. It is because he's a boy that he is feathering somewhat slower than the rest. I will also note that they are not Araucana, they are easter eggers. Araucana do not have muffs/beard and should not have tails. I love that pic around the pumpkin..so festive and adorable!
My Roo hatched 7/20/09 still has not Crowed. Yours is really pretty. No clue but I wouldn't mind one as pretty as that one! I will keep checking - please post more pics as he feathers in. Could he be GLW? He has that rose comb
Jax FL
He's going to be gorgeous when he's done feathering out!!!

I have one (female as far as I know) 6 wk. chick that is a little behind the others feathering out. I just assumed it's like kids, and some mature a little faster/slower than others....
No, he is an Easter Egger. I scrolled back up to look and it was definitely a pea comb. He sure is cute.
Thank you all for the great replies,

I am sure he will catch up with his brother sooner or later, i caught his bro crowing this morning, youngest i have ever heard crow so far at 7weeks

this is his brother taken on 10-15-2009

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