7 Acres and the Australorps Take a Dirth Bath .... WHERE?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 6, 2011
Chesnee, SC

Seven acres of land. Trees. Places to hang out. Lots of nooks and crannies.

Guess where the rooster and hen settled for their dirt bath.

In the carport planter. Of course!!

Let the dirt fly ....

I know how that is. I had planters with what would have been beautiful flowers......til they decided the dirt in there was better than anywhere else.
You try to make things nice for them....but they don't like their things.
Doesn't matter how long we plan it out and think about how cool we would think it was if we were them...no no no.
They have to play in our things....heeeeeeeeeeeeeh........
Gotta love em
Mine have 30 acres of green pasture to roam and 75% of the time, they're under the coop taking dust baths. Never mind the fact that I built a beautiful sand pit for them not 20 ft from the coop
I feel your pain. My girls love my flower beds.

I spent a whole day putting in a new perennial bed, went down the 1/8 mile driveway for some mulch, came back and in 15 minutes, they'd destroyed 1/4 of the bed.

I had my husband till up a spot right beside the flowerbeds and they won't use it.

The dirt must be better in there.

We let our 4 week old BOs out in the yard for the first time last night while we weeded. We being mom and Dad, they being chicks were under our feet "helping". Maybe your chickens just want to help? Try making a big fuss and planting veggies in their box and pretend to get upset when they tear it up.
You all are hysterical. I really need to get more chickens to add to my flock (chicken math and all). Is there an EASY way of finding people who sell laying Australorps? I have looked here, Google'd it, and Craigslist.

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