8-9 week RIR - sexing help!


In the Brooder
May 29, 2020
I bought 8 RIR pullets from TSC back at the end of March. So far, 6 have solid combs and a few even have the dark/glossy curved tail feathers coming in. I’m *hoping* that I really don’t have 6 roosters out of this batch, but based on reading previous threads, I’m worried it’s true. The two in the back of this image are the ones I think are hens. All were purchased at same time .

First 2 pics are definitely cockerels. And you said it right- Glossy/shiny, tapered or pointy feathers is a rooster trait. Sorry about this though, if you wanted only hens. Bottom one is a pullet.
I've heard how TSC is notorious for mislabeling the chicks. Could have been a RIR straight run bin too :s im sorry.
I bought 8 RIR pullets from TSC back at the end of March. So far, 6 have solid combs and a few even have the dark/glossy curved tail feathers coming in. I’m *hoping* that I really don’t have 6 roosters out of this batch, but based on reading previous threads, I’m worried it’s true. The two in the back of this image are the ones I think are hens. All were purchased at same time .View attachment 2166408
TView attachment 2166412
The last pic they are both hens the first pic the one in the front and the one to the right are roosters the second pic is a rooster do you see how bright orange and stocky the ones with tall combs are they are roosters
Omg I think they are right. I’ve been burned before too, SEVERAL times getting roosters from supposed pullets but I can’t blame TS. I live in the “burbs” with close neighbors so I’ve had to rehome way too many roosters. Apparently sexing hatchlings isn’t an easy task cause they seem to get it wrong a lot. I could tell by the pics and my own experience realizing the same thing you got a bunch of Roos. Hope you’re not attached, they may end up dinner. 😣

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