8+ Bantam Cochin Eggs :-)

ME ! I have a pullet that just went broody and I need some good quality bantam cochins! What colours and could I get a dozen? How much!!!
Sorry, I can't do those eggs right now, I have had no response from my e-mails and have had to go with someone else. Thanks though, I love the look of your birds and may eventually get some from you!
Hello Melanie. An update on the chicks I got from you. They are gorgeous and very healthy. I have 4 splash pullets, 2 splash cockerels, 1 mottled black pullet, 1 mottled blue cockerel, 1 blue cockerel and 1 mottled blue pullet. Thanks again for offering these chicks on eggbid.
If anyone is looking for quality bantam cochins you can't go wrong with Flufnstuff.

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