I will have 8+ Black and Blue Copper Marans eggs to ship tomorrow. 4 of my hens are from Ray Valentine and the blue one is from Ron Presley and Fox bloodlines as well as the rooster. They are laying nice dark eggs. All of my birds have feathered legs except my blue copper hen. I have hatched chicks from these eggs earlier this year. I have had great fertility here, but I can not guarantee your hatch rate due to shipping and/or incubation methods. I accept paypal.
Pick ups are more than welcome. Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
I had someone email that received eggs from my Marans. They told me they got 100% hatch from my BC eggs that I shipped. Out of 10 eggs I shipped they have 10 beautiful chicks.
Here are pictures of my Marans.
Pick ups are more than welcome. Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
I had someone email that received eggs from my Marans. They told me they got 100% hatch from my BC eggs that I shipped. Out of 10 eggs I shipped they have 10 beautiful chicks.
Here are pictures of my Marans.