8+ EE Eggs- Beak House Hens


BeakHouse's Mad Chicken Scientist
15 Years
Aug 17, 2008
Larry, KS
My Coop
My Coop
This is for 8+ eggs from my EE home flock.

These are eggs from my docile, loving Easter Eggers who lay varying colors of eggs. One lays an almost grass green, one a lemongrass, one nearly Lavender and the others lay bluer eggs of a nice dark shade. Here's a shot with my crazy ET fingers for color comparison.

I pack in specially made foam inserts from fowlrus. My shipped eggs have an excellent hatch rate of fat, healthy chicks. We feed the hens high-protein feed with spices, organic supplements and crustacean meal.


You can see pics of chicks from these birds in this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=268663

This is Ms. Owl, her eggs are the deeply colored teal.

This is CindyLou Who (the smallest beard of all)

Kiwi lays the mint green with a tan overlay- a pale olive, often with purple speckles.

Roo's white with blue lacing and blue tail, black and white striping on his streamers. His kids with Kiwi are consistently 50% blue laced (Andalusian-style) and 25% splash or black, and the other 25% are paint.



I'll have them ready to go to the post office upon payment, chookschick at gmail dot com!

Thanks for looking!!
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Wow! Cindy Lou Who looks just like my Jessie! I would love to try some more eggs but if I do I think my husband might kill me.
I won the bid!!
Now I am new to this, so please usher me in the right direction. I am so excited. Do you still raise Welsummers? I am looking for a couple of those too.

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