8 month old Blue and Black Orpington; is it too early to evaluate them


15 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Ithaca NY
Here are my two boys, I am not planning on showing (good thing because the winter was brutal on their combs even with heat)
BUT I do want to be breeding the best quality I can.

So keep in mind that they are just 8 months old, I would love to hear your thought.

Here is my Blue Boy
His comb took a beating this winter even with heat in the coop.

My goofy Black Boy standing on one let

One of the girls, my black and blue girls pictures came out to dark.

To see all our pictures check out my BYC webpage.
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I like both boys, roosters won't fully mature and look great til 18 months. If those were mine I'd keep them both as you never know when something might happen to one of them.. Your Splash hen as great colors!!!
I agree with Sandy, I would keep both the Roos. They are looking good but you won't see full potential until 18 months. Both have nice type in the body from what i can see from the pics. I can't really tell on the combs.
So is being almost a mottled a good thing?? If so please explain.
Sorry about all the questions I am just trying to learn as much as I can. ;o)

Here is another picture of her
I'm still learning also... but yeah, I think you want that nice evenly spaced high contrast patterning on your Splashes, as opposed to a washed out Splash that looks mostly white. Purdy burds
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