8 week old chick is being bad!

No, I bought the eggs for a different hen that went Broody this winter. The Momma hen is still with the chicks? Should I take her from them? Maybe put her back in her old hen house? A lot of duelling going on between the chicks.
Thats pretty funny!!you might have to.
Just seems that the Momma Hen would be ready to leave the chicks. They will be 8 weeks tomorrow. They have been out with the big birds during the day for a few weeks now. Momma has taken them into the woods the last two days ( with me close by ). Can I move Momma and chicks into the same big house with other birds? Or should Momma go into a different coop?
I wouldn't remove the mother hen till shes ready to give them up she will show signs when she is ready,it can be stressful on her and the chicks if you move her to soon.

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