8 week old chicks can you tell me what they are


6 Years
5 Years
Jan 23, 2014
I have a grey one in this pic only one we could get

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4


Chick 5
chick 4 could be a road bar, chick 3 could be a buff orpington,and chick 1 ester egger?????chick 2 might be a road island red,it's to hard to tell when they're young.
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Chicken 1- some kind of mix, not sure of what kind of breeds though
Chicken 2- Either a Speckled Sussex or Welsummer
Chicken 3- Buff Orpington
Chicken4- Mixbreed cockerel, looks like he has some Wyandotte and Barred Rock in him
Chicken 5- Mixbreed again, with some Wyandotte in him too.
Thank you for the replies these are the baby chicks that my turkey raised we gave her eight of them and the other we were sure they were roosters these we could not tell what they were do I have any hens in this bunch
Chicken 1- some kind of mix, not sure of what kind of breeds though
Chicken 2- Either a Speckled Sussex or Welsummer
Chicken 3- Buff Orpington
Chicken4- Mixbreed cockerel, looks like he has some Wyandotte and Barred Rock in him
Chicken 5- Mixbreed again, with some Wyandotte in him too.
I agree with Veer67's guesses.

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