9 laying hens - Mobile Al.


In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2015
We have 9 healthy laying hens under 2 years old that need a new home. We're moving and the hens can't join us.
Located in W. Mobile.

2- RIR
2- barred rocks
1 - bantam EE
1 - copper maran
1 - Dominique
Wish we could but live in England and we have a large hatch due soon my girls and man are a bit spoilt and don't like sharing their space with too many others I'm sure there will be a good home waiting for all of them xx
We have 9 healthy laying hens under 2 years old that need a new home. We're moving and the hens can't join us.
Located in W. Mobile.

2- RIR
2- barred rocks
1 - bantam EE
1 - copper maran
1 - Dominique
Do you have any pictures? Would love to see them :)

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