9 week old barred rock hen just sits


Aug 22, 2015
Hello! We have moved our chicks outside and one of barred rock chickens sits by the feeder, now she does eat and seems to get water but when she does walk she limps. My hubby picked her up and she did try to grab his fingers with both her feet ... I'm not sure what it is. Please help!!
not much to do except wait and hope for the best. Remember to keep her safe from cats and birds and so on. You wouldn't want to lose her. I hope she will get better.
Thanks, That is what I was thinking, she does limp, so I am wondering if she is just sitting because she hurt her foot, I am hopeful because she is eating and has access to water. We have been watching our coop and have done our best to make sure nothing can get into the coop. So we check on her and watch her closely!
I brought her into the house and gave her food and water and she's eating and drinking, and she will walk on it but not a whole lot. I'm not sure what I can do.. Any suggestions ? I'm not buying any more chickens from this lady. Because this is the second one we have had something go wrong with. I'm hoping her foot will heal but I'm not sure :/
Is there anything visibly wrong with her feet? Sometimes they can get bumble foot or some other foot problem that you might be able to see.'
It looks fine other than she's not really using it. She moves around and gets the water and food but other than that no. I'll take a picture and post it
Is it possible that she hurt herself jumping down off of something? That happens sometimes with my flock. One will get themselves up high, and then jump down, and end up walking with a limp for a few days.
As long as she's eating, drinking, and doesn't have any visible injuries, all you can do is wait.
It would probably help to keep her separated for a few days keep her warm and plenty of feed and water in a small enclosure so she can stay off her feet and not be picked at by the others, and this way she won't be tempted to roost and further aggravate her injured leg by jumping around to much if it is in fact an injury
We did that, however she ended up passing away so I don't think that it was really her foot. So I'm glad we separated her from the others and so far they are all fine. It stinks :( and now we've gotta get some more to replace the two.

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