A Blind Eye?


5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
One of my chickens eyes is clouded and the pupil is smaller then it should be she isn't using it , Is she blind or is it infected? Its not swollen or bigger then the other one.
I have delt with eye problems before but they were much worse and didn't start out like this so I know its not from the other hens .

Welcome to BYC!

A cloudy eye can be as simple as an eye infection, or an injury or even a cataract. You could try some antibiotic ointment on it to see if it clears. But it could be from something completely different. Some Terramycin eye ointment would work well. First State Vet Supply carries eye ointments. If this doesn't clear up the cloudiness, this could be many other things effecting the eye. But I would try the eye ointments first to rule out a simple eye infection. Other issues you probably can't fix.

You can always post this in our emergency section here on BYC for more help...


Good luck with your bird. I hope you can get this taken care of.
Thank you :) I also have a hen that...well has one eye...it got infected and we got it cleared up but as soon as it was unswollen we noticed the eye was gone....she does fine but its still open and could get infected again , I don't want to kill her because she is one of my favorites and I trained her to ride on the handle bars of my bike but is it possible that it will soon heal and the skin will connect?
I've had chickens for around four years and I show them every year at the fair (Im in 4-H)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3 on posting in the Emergencies forum about your girls and how to treat them. Chickens can live perfectly fine with just one eye, if it looks infected now you'll want to clean it and put her on some antibiotics, just some antibiotic ophthalmic ointment you can get at feed stores is a good idea, just keep putting it in the socket for a couple of weeks until it looks healed, it usually won't grow over as such though, you will still see a socket.
Thanks ya'll :) I appreciate the welcoming , Do any of you know the breed Salmon Favorall im showing them but don't know anything about them and I want to win grand champion again this year but with them.
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Oh and I wanted to tell their names also x) The one eyed chicken is Reef and the other chicken is Dog (She is really friendly and lets you pick her up

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