A few extras.. Who/what are they?


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2015
In our shipment of chicks, we ended up with some extras. The brown/white ones, the black and white with the lighter head, (the black and white spotted are my barred rocks) and the one with crazy fro.
I think the crazy fro may be a roo too. Please help me identify!
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I'm new at this too but my guesses would be a speckled Sussex, a silver wyandotte, and I have no clue with crazy one but he does look fun!
In our shipment of chicks, we ended up with some extras. The brown/white ones, the black and white with the lighter head, (the black and white spotted are my barred rocks) and the one with crazy fro. White Crested Black Polish rooster.
I think the crazy fro may be a roo too. Please help me identify! Speckled Sussex

sorry, this is the black and white one in the middle that I am unsure of.. Silver Laced Wyandotte.

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