A little confused, do LF silkies exist?


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Portland, OR
I hope this is in the right section.

I would like to get 1 or 2 of those pure white silkies. They are cute and I think my nieces would adore them. However, I look over the breeds from a few hatchery websites and all the silkies seem to be bantams. I googled LF silkies and it seems they do exist but I was wondering if there was something wrong with them or if bantam was better for some reason. Do white LF silkies exist? Thank you.
Well those would be as close to the real things.
That's cool
In the U.S., a LF [ large fowl, the standard for Silkie is bantam] breed doesn't exist untill the APA says it does.
Many people have bred the silkied bantam up to LF; you can do it yourself by crossing a Silkie to something, say a LF Cochin, and breeding the resulting offspring to each other. 25% of the offspring should be silkied. Not many have continued with the work of getting the LF Silkie up to the strandards of true Silkies; with the correct colored comb, black skin, 5 toes, etc.. I don't suppose there's much demand for them.

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