I really don't know how much longer- sorry - this is my first hatch too. Just want to say how happy I am to hear your little egg is still alive!! YEA!! From what I've read it seems you should be hearing peeping before you see it pip. Maybe you'll finally get to greet your baby tomorrow!
Now if you were a few years older I would tell you to have a drink and go to bed. but since you are not old enough for that, just go to bed and when you wake up.
Whatever you do don't try to rush it, you will do much more danage than good. After the 1,000,000th hatch you will get use to this waiting.
Don't touch that bator!!! If you are only hearing cheeps, it will be 12-48 hrs before they make it out. Try not to "help" till at least 24 horus after a chick pips and if it makes no progress in that 24 hours after it pips.
Hang in there 77horses! If it is meant to be then it will hatch. You have done your best, so thats all you can do.
Maybe it will hatch while you are at school today!
Well, no luck after I got back from school. :| But the egg is still wiggling!!!
It is wiggling more now!
I have not heard any peeps yet, but I am gonna see if it does answer back when i make the little toy baby chicken make noises(it's my little brother's toy and it peeps! LOL)
Still no pips!