a new egg camera?

Hi Kanchii, I saw one of these from a university somewhere before. When they pippin' out of the shell was cool, and then the chicks were hoppin' around for a couple of days. but then, the staff moved them to another area.
Right after that my confuser crashed, and it took 3 days to get back on line. Of course, I had lost all of my bookmarks, and didn't realize until later that I didn't re-list BYC!
But, I see by your profile that you have chickens, so this must be old hat to you. I've never seen a chicken hatch, even though my grandfather had them when I was over his farm as a squirt.
Being up here in CT. timing is crucial, because of the cold weather. I might have to start off with older laying hens, let them brood in the spring. then the chicks would have a chance to get acclimated before winter.
I would be raising the birds for eggs, but I can bet some of my nieces & nephews would make pets out of them!
For now, just a winter daydream, along with getting my 40 y.o. Triumph M/C on the road.
thanks for writing, call again soon! Tom:)

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I think that is cool. I watched an eagle cam one time. It was neat the see how the eagle took care of their eggs and see the babies hatch. I will be checking in on them and hope to see some hatch.
CG, I think 2 days is an estimate. I think they are candling them to be sure/guess. I'm sure you could find time to eat & sleep & feed your own chhickens.
Try to keep it together, hah?
hehe, Tom:D

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