A Rooster question


7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Woodland Park, Colorado
Having only one Rooster (Buff Brahma), I often find myself wondering about his intentions..... for those of you with Roos, and multiple different breeds..... do you find that your Roo prefers his own breed..... or are they just skalliwags that will go after any tail.... literally ;)
My Jersey Giant roosters love purple. I was wearing some purple jeans one time (only pair of jeans I had left!) and my JG roo came running up and mounted my leg. I tapped him, and he looked all embarrassed and ran off. All the hens like buttons... and shiny things, well all my chickens do.
Most are true SKalliwags ! What I have found is my hens can get particular and will resist some Roos much more than others ! Though I have a Beautiful Pair of Barred Rocks.. He would mount his own Shadow but never even trys to go with her, and she has become very Friendly with another rooster so much so that they will not go oin the Coop at night .. they sneak off together some where ?? every night .. But the Roo she hangs with will also by day Hop any hen that strikes his fancy ..
Stan will go after any tail. He'll even peek up lady's dresses if allowed. However, he does not mess with Jennifer.

This big gal will put him in the corner in a New York minute.

Even Askew will back him in a corner.

Yet this hen is submissive to him

So, maybe the hen's attitude is a factor on if she's the popular gal of the minute.
I have 2 hens (suspects)

(poultry show BTW)

Who think the roosters are trying to fight with them.


So that means the other hens want to fight.

And cuss.

And eat rocks....
i don't think my roo cares about color, size, breed etc....... he's oppurtunistic!!........ i will add this, every roo i've had does seem to have 1 hen that is his favorite, she seems to take it for the team more than the others.....
Two of my roos (Marans & Ameraucana) are very opportunistic - any girl, anytime, anywhere - they'll make it happen..... However, that being said, my Salmon Fav roo, has a favorite - and she actually complies with him!

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