a sick hen


Nov 14, 2009
I added some chickens to an existing flock two weeks ago, including one bardrock, which was immediately pursued and picked on by the others. They left it alone after a while and she stayed away from them for a day and then became braver. I didn't notice anything unusual, except that in the last week, she hasn't been going up on the roost at night. I found her very light compared to the others, and was concerned about her not roosting, but she seemed OK otherwise. Yesterday morning, I noticed she was sitting apart, but she did go out side. Now this morning, she was down, listless, didn't react when I picked her up, no interest in food or water. Then I noticed that her wattle and comb are very dry. I don't see any evidence of diarrhea and can't see any mites on her. I wonder if she just hadn't been eating or drinking. I've taken her inside in a dog kennel and started giving her water with sugar and salt via a syringe. She isn't making any attempt to drink from the syringe. After about 30 mls, she seemed to become a bit feistier and was standing up for a moment. So I continued giving her the electrolyte solution every hour, but then after a few hours, she started to go down again. Can't stand, head sinks down, eyes keep closing, though she does fight me a bit when I give her the solution. I know it's risky giving her the fluid by syringe, as she could aspirate, but it seems I don't have much choice. Any suggestions? I'm afraid I'm going to lose her and that would be very sad.
I'm not an expert, but it sounds good so far. Like you said, maybe she hadn't been able to get near the food because the others have been picking on her?
Perhaps if she gets a little stronger, she may start to eat for you. Try some Poly-vi-sol vitamins in her water too. Best of luck.
We never thought about quarantining the new ones. How long should they have been quarantined? Anyway, this is the only one that is unwell now. She does seem to be getting a little stronger on her legs and is putting up more of a fight when I try to give her water via syringe. And she just now started opening her beak and making motions to accept the water when it's held to her beak, and is swallowing it. So, maybe she's coming around.
You should quarantinefor about 2-4 weeks. It is to late for that know. She could have infected your whole flock by now. That is why you ALWAYS need to quarantine new birds before adding them to the flock.
Well, it's too late. I thought she was perking up and was happy to think that she might make it. But less than an hour later, I checked on her and she had died. That's so too bad... I kind of liked her. It was my first time trying to nurse a sick chicken back to health. Any advice, anyone? I wonder if I overdid it with the fluids. What's the rule for rehydrating a dehydrated chicken? How much per hour? I read they should have about half a cup of water a day. I did give her a bit more than that throughout the day, as I figured she had to be rehydrated, and wasn't sure if the half a cup a day was for maintenance. She was starting to pick up so nicely!

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