A white owl


11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
North Dakota
I didnt think I should post in predators/pests because its not at my farm but at my MIL's. My husband saw it last night roosting on an old tractor/backhoe. The dog was barking at it and Craig went to see what the fuss was about. The owl had a muskratt it was feasting on. There is a slough by the trees and the owl had found a nice place to roost and hunt from. I thought it was very pretty but glad its not here!





very gorgeous owl! I've only ever seen screetch owls around here (and i take that back i've seen a greathorned owl too lol) but was never lucky enough to have a camera
By the way im pretty sure that's a "great horned owl" I'm pretty sure (not know for sure....but it surely does look like one, it's deffinatly not a barn owl but theres other owls with tufts but it looks big like a great horned owl).
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Looks like a Great Horned Owl, but light in color. Nice pics.
Odd I just saw a pure white sparrow Sunday, in a flock. Just did have my camera.

Thanks for posting.
i saw a pure white starling in with a batch of normal starlings (a huge flock of about 100 or more birds) in the summer. Evenif i would have had my camera it was near a busy highway I would have never snapped it *pouts*! A pure white sparrow woulda been pretty too!
awesome sight. Thanks for the correction and info. I would say great horned owl too. I didnt realize there so many diffrent owl species.
WOW! Great Eye and Nice Photos! I thought they were nocturnal – In your photo, the sky was very blue – looked midday! YIKES!! I best keep an eye out during the day as we have a huge barn owl (or so he/she looks) but have only seen him/her from dust til dawn. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing; I now we have owls around here, but I'm SURE not that variety of them, and I've never seen one...au natural like that! What a GORGEOUS animal!!

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