Abandoned kitten and chick make friends


Sep 30, 2018
This is the runt of a litter of barn kittens and a newborn chick. The kitten was born at the end of May but looks only about a month old. Her brothers and sisters are over twice her size and running all over the farm happily, but she is left behind because she is too small to keep up. Her mother weaned the litter recently and has no interest anymore in this tiny kitten. Since her mom and siblings are too busy to cuddle, she is often chilly and alone.
The chick was kicked from the nest of its mother and I found it cold and silent. The mother hen wont take the baby back and was aggressive when I tried to give it back.
So now the babies are friends who live in the downstairs bathroom under a heat lamp together. The kitten washes the chick and the chick crawls beneath the kitten while it sleeps. They watch Netflix with me on my lap at night. If you take the kitten but not the chick out of their "nest", one or both scream until you put them back together.
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The problem we are having now is the newborns are in that small metal tank behind them in the photo. They stay there a week or 2 before going to the garage. Now this guy is getting bigger and thinks he can hop in there and steal thier food and bully them. Mind you it's the same food I give him. It's also getting old cleaning up his turds 10 times a day and mopping that room 2x a day:lol: So soon he needs to go to the barn with the others his age, but they still dont like to be separated. I have a nice rabbit hutch we aren't using, (one of those some stores try to sell as a chicken coop but they're much too small, we used to use it for a pair of Seramas)they may end up living in it together.

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