About month old chicks, outside?


5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
hi! so I have 6 chicks, four are maybe a little older than the other two (based on size and amount of feathers) but we have a coop/run for them which they were in last weekend for a couple hours during the day.

they are just getting a little big and it seems...frustrated! being inside. I live in Florida so it's warm outside.. are they good to go outside for the night or should I wait.. I read about being fully feathered but they're just so big for their brooder now I feel bad!
If the night time temperatures are near 70, they should be able to huddle and keep warm enough. If you are worried put a jug of hot water out there for them to huddle with. In a week they should be good without the help.
Depends on the difference between the temp they are used to and the coldest temp they will face - if there's too much they will be cold, but you can acclimate them over the next week then move them out. Works for me!
thanks they can't be more than a week apart... also I have them outside now in the coop hanging out but it's like 85 out. they have shade water and an ice pack wrapped in a wet towel but they're laying down w wings away from their body. . bring them inside?
They will handle 85. With shade and an ice pack plus they have room to spread out outside they are good. Let them get used to it, summer is coming.
I have 2 questions. One I think is dumb butgonna ask anyway. Can I use river sand for chickens since it is free or does it make a difference? Second, I think I went to the right thread with a question 2-3 days ago and no response. Does it matter what theard I go to. Question I had was I have 2-3 days year old americaunas among others but I got one that looked like a blue jay then 2 that looked like jumbo marbles. Sent a pic. On other thread. Thanks
That's great thanks, basically mine are in a big indoor rabbit cage at the moment on newspaper and towels but I really think they need to scratch around outside now so was going to put them in an outside rabbit run but the flooring is just earth at the moment as the rabbits eaten all the grass!! Was wondering if I should put hay in or something as not entirely sure if I'll be able to cover the bottom with pine shavings or not.

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