Accident happens


5 Years
Oct 22, 2014
I accidendly stepped on my 2
weeks old
chick in one second his right eye
got really big lime it was going two
pop out and went all blue and his
left eye is fine he walks fine please
tell me what to do
I accidendly stepped on my 2
weeks old
chick in one second his right eye
got really big lime it was going two
pop out and went all blue and his
left eye is fine he walks fine please
tell me what to do

About all that you can do is don't step on it again. I doubt that brain surgery on a 2 week old chick will prove effective.

In the meantime don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone who has kept over 2 or 3 chicks at a time, for any length of time, has stepped on a chick at one time or the other.

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