Acupuncture and Laser Therapy Works on Chickens too!


Feb 21, 2015
Matilda is an adult barred rock hen who was hit by a car and left to die in the middle of a busy road. A Good Samaritan found her and rushed her to a small animal veterinary hospital nearby----for she was still alive. Matilda was alive and stable, however the doctors and staff at the hospital knew that they would need to find her a home. They contacted Shauna Sherick, since they were aware she ran Wildwood Farm Sanctuary and was also a veterinary technician at Newberg Veterinary Hospital. The hospital routinely uses low-level laser therapy and acupuncture on their dog and cat patients for soft tissue trauma and for osteoarthritis pain. Several studies have shown the benefits of acupuncture and laser therapy in patients suffering from paralysis---so Shauna and her veterinarian thought, why not try it on Matilda?

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