We Quit Cigarettes

I think I will write a song parity of 12 days of Christmas. Starting with: On the first day of quitting my friend KiKi gave to me, A goal that will be very hard for me!
On the second day of quitting, my friend KiKi gave to me, two nicotine patches, and a goal that will be very hard for me!
On the third day....... jump right in anytime room?!
On my third day of chantix... wish me luck. Already down from two packs a day to about a pack a day. This is the roughest part I think. When I get to this point my severe anxiety kicks in...
Kiki's doin' it; we're with. you; you're gonna make it! " Fear not for I am with you," says the Lord, "for I am with you. When you walk through the waters they shall not overtake you and through the fire, you shall not be burned." (This just came to mind... I think it's in Isaiah.)
I think I will write a song parity of 12 days of Christmas. Starting with: On the first day of quitting my friend KiKi gave to me, A goal that will be very hard for me!
On the second day of quitting, my friend KiKi gave to me, two nicotine patches, and a goal that will be very hard for me!
On the third day....... jump right in anytime room?!

On the 3rd day.... 3 pieces of gum... 2 nicotine patches and a goal that you will kick it's booty (think positively ;) lol). Next anyone? What's on Day 4? I already have one for Day 5 (5 mooooooood swings! :gig)
Was thinking this earlier.
Congrats @Kiki !!

Diets......stay away from fads and extremes,
eat a bit of everything in moderation, get enough exercise.
^^Does not apply to diabetics, especially type 1's, of course.

Good advice! I need to work on all of these things.

I've caught myself waving at the wrong person...not who I thought I was waving at.
In addition to having people that I do not recognize, wave at me, I even have complete strangers walk up to me in stores and start talking to me. They think that I am someone else that they know.

In all fairness to the people that wave, there are more people that know who I am than there are people that I know.

One time a few years ago I had some kid* run up to me in a grocery store all excited to see me and start talking to me and I just went along with it but I had NO clue who he was. I felt really bad lol

*I say kid but he was probably only a few years younger than me or possibly my age.
Y'all are invited here instead.

I do too—my hair is curly, so it gets quite tangled and requires copious amounts of time and patience to un-tangle it.

Of course. I'm not rude.
Yeah mine is too but I also sometimes just stand there or it takes longer if I decide to use conditioner haha but it takes freaking forever to brush out too!! And I can brush it every single day or even multiple times a day and the next day when I wake up it will look like a rat’s nest and like I never brush it ever! :barnie

And yeah I wave too!! And if I see people walking while I’m driving I usually wave to them or if I’m walking and pass people I wave.

But I’ve literally had numerous people give me dirty looks for it or look at me like I have six heads. :th

I think it might just be this town though. There’s a lot of rude/mean/stuck up people here haha

Absolutely! Step out and be careful that you don't slip and fall.

When you start having to pay the water bill, you will stop taking long showers.
I always get water all over the floor :lau

And :lau probably!!
We live in Mennonite country. We have a few farms near us, but the roads 55 mph... It wasn't always like this but the more people who drove on this increased the speed limit. I want to move within the next 2 years. I want to live on a road less traveled. I want to live on a road where it's peaceful and I have nothing but the sounds of nature. Right now I have that between the cars whizzing by. We are in the middle of two other houses, but they're quite a distance and trees separate us all.
We live near a highway so we hear that even though we’re not right on it and we are also a few miles away from the train and hear that as well as being directly under a main flight path so lots of airplanes and helicopters. But despite all that it’s honestly not too bad most of the time.

Get as much acreage as you can--you can always use more. And as soon as you can. Interest rates have NEVER been this low.
Maybe I should save and buy instead of renting :lau

It's raining.
It’s another gorgeous day here! :D

This reminds me of the Stranger Things logo :lau

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