Adorable children's book about....what else?


11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
SF Bay Area - Danville
Chickens! I was in my local consignment shop a few days ago and found this sweet little book by chance. It's called Something Wonderful by Jenny Nimmo. It is illustrated beautifully and has a chicken story that all of us here on BYC can appreciate! It doesn't look like there are many copies to be had on Amazon, but you may be able to get it at the library or on Ebay. Just wanted to share....

Here is the Amazon link.
Sounds like a great story for the younger set! And it sounds like it has a great message! Thanks for letting us know about it.

My kids are a little bit older and have enjoyed/are enjoying Chicken Boy, by Frances O'Roark Dowell. My son read it as a 6th grader and my daughter is currently reading it in 5th grade. We came to know about it because someone recommended it here, just as you did with this one!

Here's the Amazon link to Chicken Boy:

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