Advice (again!!) please.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 7, 2009
I have 4 barred rocks, about 13-14 weeks old. Found out I really like having them. So does my DH. He bought them from a gentleman at work. So, he brings him home last weekend, goes back to work, met another gentleman who raises chickens. He raises Americaunas (forgive spelling). So, in about 2 months he is bringing my husband 2 of those.

Problem is that after reading some of the posts, I am scared to death of picking and fighting, waking up to a picked chicken. I only have one coop, big enough for 10, and a 60 foot run. Should I try to talk him out of more chickens, build another coop, go for broke and pray??? Is there a trick to bringing in new chickens?

Thanks in advance yet again.
No matter what you do, make sure you quarantine your new birds for AT LEAST 30 days before you introduce them to the flock. If they are showing any cold-like symptoms, cull them. It's not worth the risk.

For introducing new birds, I recommend putting them somewhere your current birds can see them, but not peck at them. After they've been like this for a few days, they should integrate fairly easily.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like your coop is large enough for your new birds? So there is no need for a new coop unless you want to ensure you don't have any mixed breeds.

Good luck!!
two things help. bringing in two or more newbies at the same time (divide and conquer) and keeping them with the established group but separated by some type of barrier where they can get used to each other safely. We used a metal dog kennel. It took about three weeks. We'd also let them free range altogether for a while each day, watching carefully the bullying. Oh and put a piece of wood or something on top of the kennel so the other chickens can't poop on the caged ones heads. Not good for morale. Good luck.
Springchickens--I know everyone was saying to separate the new chickens for awhile, so I was not sure if I would have to build another smaller coop for the new birds until we knew they were healthy. Of course, that would just make it easier to keep adding new birds, may want to rethink that one, huh.

Thanks for the info. I am going to sit down tonight and read that link.
BUT putting them where the current chickens can see them should be done only AFTER quarantining (sp?) them for 30 days! Keep them as far away as possible for the first 30 days as some illnesses can be spread via air. I've read too many sad threads on here lately where people have had to cull their entire flocks due to bringing in a bird or two that were ill.
And, to make it even more confusing, the birds that were brought in were put in quarantine for 30 days, showed no signs of illness but turned out to be carriers of an illness which infected their flocks. Don't mean to sound like a nay-sayer but better to be safe than sorry.

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