Advice on head being pecked bloody


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 2, 2008
I have a White-Crested Black Polish hen whose scalp has been pecked raw (no feathers) and, at times, bloody. I've tried isolating her for a time, putting Blu-Kote and/or Peck-no-more solution on her, etc. to no avail. I love, love, love my girl and want to keep her safe.

Has anyone here ever managed to make a helmet or protective head-thingy for situations such as this?

Thanks for your help,
I have never heard of anything like this, but I have heard that you can trim her head feathers so she can see better and avoid the pecking a bit more.

A while back I was surfing the internet and saw that someone makes an "anti-peck" bit. I don't know if and how they work but here's a link to a site that sells them. Maybe you could send them an email and let them explain how they work. They also sell hoods...
When is this happening? Is she setting when this happens? Are there enough nesting boxes. I have chickens that pick on each other over a nesting box. Iodine to clean the wound, plain neosporin and isolate her until she's totally healed
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How long have you waited to put her back with the flock after she has been injured? I find, if there is anything to peck at, the other chickens will most likely do so. I also found that they are less like to peck at each other, when they are allowed to free range. Probably a combination of being too busy looking for goodies and being able to get away from potential bullies.
Thank you for all your responses.
Here are a few more details:
As I mentioned initially, my pecked-on hen is a White-Crested polish hen. She is the one ornamental breed among a flock of standard hens (RIRs, Buff Orp, Sex Link, Wyandottes, etc). She looks different and acts different, which, I believe, is why she gets pecked on. All of my chickens free-range regularly, have an large coop, and sufficient qty of nest boxes. Normally she (Dottie) runs away when approached by the others and I've not witnessed the pecking happening when they are out free-ranging or in their run. Therefore, I believe it is happening in the coop, at night or early morning, and I am assuming it is happening when they are all roosting together. If I isolate her from the others, I feel they will not accept her back, so I am looking to protect her head. Pine tar is an interesting concept (though I have no idea what it is) but I don't know if this would be damaging to her bald, sore head or to the potential pin feathers trying to make their way back in.
She is such a delightful chicken (in her quirky way) - I am trying really hard not to have to remove her from the flock, but I can't stand to see her poor abused head. She is fine in every other way, she eats, drinks, runs around and lays every other day.

Thank you for any additional ideas you wish to send my way!!

She can be seen here (though she now has even fewer feathers on her head)
Pine tar will actually help with the healing process because it is often used in the treatment of skin problems. You can find it in the horse hoof care section of tractor supply or most feed stores carry it. It's just messy and smelly to work with. So far it has worked great for my gal.

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