Advice on nests


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
My ducks free range all day. At night they are locked in a 4x8 vented box. I have straw on the floor. If I ignore them past dark they will go in on their own, but are never in the coop durring the day.
I haven't found any eggs yet, but was thinking they may be laying/start soon. (oldest ones were hatched in March)
What should I do to encurage laying in the coop so I can find yhe eggs? I thought at first nest noxes wouldn't be needed, but somethings when I put them in or let them out they run aeround in there. Raised boxes? bucket on it's side? fake eggs (I used golfball for the chickend, are they big enough for the ducks?)?
Golfballs work as fake eggs. You can either make a makeshift nest on the ground with the straw or get a box or plastic container and cut out a door/opening in the front and put straw and the fake eggs in it. My runner lays her eggs where ever she wants in the coop. all spread out. My mallard layed her eggs in one nest. Depends on the duck.
Thanks! I have a rubbermade I used as a brooder, and with the lid broken its not good for much...

My gals are as follows: 3 wild mallards, 2 pekins, 2 cuyugas, 2 sweeds.
My ducks shared nests so you might not need nine nests. The rubbermaid would work great! You might want to get more though.
I have 6 Muscovy hens and they use 2 nests. they like to actually share and will lay together. I use pins shavings. the nest is just where they sleep. no special box or anything.
After cleaning the coop and putting down new hay, I added a tote with pine chips and fake eggs. Thanks for the help!

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