advice please, bobby was attacked in the night!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 25, 2007
Hi, my hen Bobby was attacked by something last night. I went out with a flashlight when I heard the attack and must have scared whatever it was off.
She has a HUGE chunk bitten out of her back through several layers of muscle. I have rinsed out the wound, but I'm not sure what else I can do. Is it really safe to give her aspirin?

any other ideas?
Lynn K
I've never had to experience anything like that, perhaps after washing it out, you could place all the tissue/muscles back the best way you can and put neosporin on it and wrap it snug like and give her 1 crushed aspirin in 1 quart of water. Do you have any antibiotics? You should probably put her in a crate and keep her in the house and away from the other birds. Hope she recovers for you.
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