Aggresive Hen ( She chases everybody )


11 Years
Mar 2, 2008
Gibsonville, NC
One of my hens has got real aggresive, she will chase chase you around the yard pecking you. Today she bit me on my hand and leg hard anough that I bleed. I think she is now the lead hen, after getting in a fight with the first lead hen. What can you do is this normal.
Your sure that is a hen? I have never had a hen act like that, but then again, I have always had a Rooster or two.

Sadly, the only way to stop her is to get rid of her. You could try seperating her from the flock, allowing someone else to become the top chicken. But then when you put her back with the flock, there will most definately be scuffles till they work it out.
I know she a hen, she lays eggs. I use to have three rooster but a dog killed them all. But when there where roosters she did not act like this, is she just a crazy hen.
Might be time to fry her up crispy.
If you don't want to do that, you have to show her you are the "lead hen" round here parts.
My previously docile hen started attacking me, but I would pick her up, and wouldn't let her pick on any chickens in front of me. Sometimes I made her wait to eat. Basically I treated her like a roo. She settled down within a week.
I was thinking about the frying pan idea, I hunt but I don;t know if I chould eat one of my pets. I heard if you hold here down by here neck it will show that your in charge. Is that true. I just got a rooster from MPC and my friend said he is going to give me some eggs for hatching so there should be a roo in there to. I am sorry about not posting till now but I could not find my post. LoL
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