My flock of 25 pullets and one cockerel are 19 weeks old. Some of the girls look about ready to come into lay. They are all generally friendly birds, with the exception of one very aggressive cinnamon queen. It’s as if she identifies as a cockerel.
She takes a defensive stance when I enter the run to feed them. She stalks around me when I’m giving attention to other birds and will peck at my feet and legs. If I try to reach for her or step in her direction she puffs up and extends her neck, ready for a fight.
She’s the only hen I’ve ever had to exhibit this aggressive behavior. I’ve tried breaking her of it by carrying her around until she calms, but seems to have no effect. I’m hoping it’s just pre-lay hormones, perhaps
Anyone else have aggressive hens? Do you keep them and just tolerate it, or is it off to freezer camp?
She’s young enough to still be tender to eat if she doesn’t straighten up.

She’s the only hen I’ve ever had to exhibit this aggressive behavior. I’ve tried breaking her of it by carrying her around until she calms, but seems to have no effect. I’m hoping it’s just pre-lay hormones, perhaps
Anyone else have aggressive hens? Do you keep them and just tolerate it, or is it off to freezer camp?
She’s young enough to still be tender to eat if she doesn’t straighten up.