In the Brooder
My flock consists of 6 ducks: 1 male pekin, 2 female pekins, 2 female Welsh Harlequins, and 1 female Buff Orpington.
They were all raised together since they were 3 days old and then around 6 months of age, my male Pekin, Donald, decided he doesn't like the two Welsh Harlequin females. He charges at them and even attacks (plucking feathers, and mounting them forcibly). The Welsh Harlequins are 4-5lbs and he is about 10lbs, so he is much larger and I don't want him to hurt the girls. Occasionally, he will even charge/peck at the Buff (Penny) and the submissive female Pekin (Buttercup), but he loves his "girlfriend" dominant Pekin, Jemima. I'm not sure if he attacks the Welsh Harlequins because they are smaller and he knows they will submit easily or if he just simply doesn't like them based on their coloring. I've tried separating him, but it's a hassle and I would prefer them all to be together. All of the girls get along just fine.
Recently, I tried to give Donald to a lady with other ducks, but she had 3 males and they did not get along, so I took him back. He is a sweet boy other than being aggressive to the Welsh Harlequins.
Does anyone have any advice or tips to get him to get along with all the girls? I don't know what else to do other than separate him from here on out or give him away.
My flock consists of 6 ducks: 1 male pekin, 2 female pekins, 2 female Welsh Harlequins, and 1 female Buff Orpington.
They were all raised together since they were 3 days old and then around 6 months of age, my male Pekin, Donald, decided he doesn't like the two Welsh Harlequin females. He charges at them and even attacks (plucking feathers, and mounting them forcibly). The Welsh Harlequins are 4-5lbs and he is about 10lbs, so he is much larger and I don't want him to hurt the girls. Occasionally, he will even charge/peck at the Buff (Penny) and the submissive female Pekin (Buttercup), but he loves his "girlfriend" dominant Pekin, Jemima. I'm not sure if he attacks the Welsh Harlequins because they are smaller and he knows they will submit easily or if he just simply doesn't like them based on their coloring. I've tried separating him, but it's a hassle and I would prefer them all to be together. All of the girls get along just fine.
Recently, I tried to give Donald to a lady with other ducks, but she had 3 males and they did not get along, so I took him back. He is a sweet boy other than being aggressive to the Welsh Harlequins.
Does anyone have any advice or tips to get him to get along with all the girls? I don't know what else to do other than separate him from here on out or give him away.