Chicken poppy
Fashionably late
So, theres a chick thats always been fond of me, yet always so jumpy of others (also a bit jumpy of me if i annoy him) he always loved to snuggle with me, but was And still is a HUGE girly crybaby! Very overdramatic. He started getting on my hand and pecking my hand in which telling me to lift him up, of course this jesture always confused me and I thiught he was annoyed with me, i dont think he was, he never pecked in annoyance in that age and if was annoyed/bothered would scream and run away, so when i lifted him up he started to place his head on my shoulder and exhale, he would drop his body down in complete comfort, wiggle his tail and flop down his wings, he did this for about 2-3 weeks, til he was older. By this time he started doing minor bites, still doing the exact same gestures, as he got older (current age!) he started wiggling his butt as if he was trying to mate, and bit a lot harder on my wrist, he used to get very offended if i tried gentky slapping his face (super gentle) and ran off whimpering, but now he doesnt really listen to the hand slap, he bites until lifted up, and waits for a moment to stop, he made me bleed 1 time and normally i just get bruses, but their very painful! Can someone explain this behavior? Ive never had a chicken do this before! Ps; hes about 8-10 weeks now!. Hes also a hedimora black chick, and he has crowed (many many times, i dont know if this makes a difference in this behavior, But he acts like hes confused if i push him away and gets really hurt, sometimes ignoring me, can someone tell me what to do, if this is love or aggression, and how to solve it / the cause?
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