Alfalfa cubes?


Big Pippin'
11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Elizabethtown, NC
I cannot find alfalfa in bales here. However, my TSC has it in little cubes (like a square pellet) in 50 pound bags and it's reasonably priced. They say they market it mostly to horse owners.

Do you think my goats will eat it?
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We tried the cubes once. The only way they would eat it is if we broke it down into itty bitty pieces - it sure goes a long way that But they do love their pellets
Problem we have with the pellets is the amount of dust in there. We are probably going to change suppliers....
Since you haven't bought it yet, don't bother. I purchased a 50lbs bag before I picked up my goats, and THEN found out that they could not chew it. What I do is crush it with a hammer, and then give it to them. They love it like that. Somebody suggested soaking it in water, which I tried as well, but they turned their noses up at it wet. If you only have a few goats, crushing it works (I'll give the rest of it to a friend of mine who has horses, though).

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