Alfalfa or grass ?


7 Years
Sep 15, 2012
Union County Tennessee
Hi, Im thinking about either growing some alfalfa or just staking off some of my yard and letting the grass grow and using it for bedding and to keep my chickens and dogs warm through out the winter but wat would be better ,or does someone have a better suggestion ?
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Hi, Im thinking about either growing some alfalfa or just staking off some of my yard and letting the grass grow and using it for bedding and to keep my chickens and dogs warm through out the winter but wat would be better ,or does someone have a better suggestion ?
You would want to plant either Wheat or Oats and let dry out then cut it.
You wont have enough time (season) to do that this year. Alfalfa like grass has a rather poor insulating value (much like pine shavings).


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