all of the sudden dirty eggs?....


9 Years
Aug 10, 2010
Fairfield County
i have a RIR and a bantam frizzle. All of the sudden my eggs from the RIR have been dirty. its just them in the coop and they have a roost, which they do perch in at night. Its only the RIR eggs that look like they have poop/ dirt on them, not the frizzle. Its not that dirty but its definitely noticeable and not as clean as they were before, any suggestions on why this could be? thanks
Are you collecting eggs frequently (or early enough) in the day?

If we collect our eggs in the early afternoon, they are mostly clean, but if we wait until late evening--it's a poopfest.
If you wouldn't mind... what is RIR and Frizzle? (newbie.)
Maybe this is obvious, but I get dirty eggs when I have a broody or thinking-about-getting-broody hen who wants to sleep in or near a nest. Or for whatever reason, some chicken decides to take up nighttime residence in or near a nest. If I don't move her back onto the roost every night until she gives it up, the nests can get pretty nasty. (A true broody rarely soils the nest, though.) That's been my main problem in keeping eggs clean. It helps to have nests a distance from the hen door (so if it's muddy out, she loses a little of that mud crossing the floor before she gets into the nest) and, also, your roosts should be higher than the nests so that they aren't inclined to sleep in the nests instead of on the roosts.

RIR is Rhode Island Red. Frizzle is the name of another breed, which I'm not personally familiar with -- I think they're one of the feather-headed, feather-footed types. Check the Breeds section here on the BYC site.
I still haven't figured out if there is a "breed initial dictionary" on the forum. Long-timers?

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