Allie and my Bagal bantam!


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
Heres my silkie Allie!

Heres my cochin roo with his head stuck in a bagal

Bagal head had the bagal safely removed from his head and was unharmed, all though, after his attempts to escape the grasp of the vicious bagal failed he resorted to eating his way out!
Your roo looks like he is laying on his back saying, "This is not funny!" But you have the photo to prove that it really is pretty funny. At least he had a nice bagel treat after the indignity.
Your roo looks like he is laying on his back saying, "This is not funny!" But you have the photo to prove that it really is pretty funny. At least he had a nice bagel treat after the indignity.
Lol! Yes he did! It was too funny because I was letting him and his matching hen eat it and he put his head in it after the center was pecked out some and I just had to take the pictures! His hen thought it was hilarious!
She probably thought he was especially attractive with the tasty necklace on.
Oh yes!

Its really funny because my hen Allie doesn't like her rooster walnut, hes blind because of the feathers in his face so he always mounts her the wrong way and breeds the wrong end, she gets pretty fed up, on the rare occasion he gets the right end its always by accident. Lol!

However, she loves George my 8lb Buff Orpington rooster who is huge, she gets horny for george and if I open the pen she will run out and squat for him, I have to be careful when I open the pen to make sure she doesn't sneak out.

I have decided to resort to artificial insemination, however shes a pour layer typical of her silkie breed. She has yet to pick up laying again this spring. :/ I wonder if its because she has been inside so much?

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