almost 3 month old chick

Pet Chickens Owners

10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
we have a wyndatte that was fine may 28 thursday then friday the 29 we find her on the floor of run with the chicks walking over her and her having her neck all twisted and crammed around into her back her back we started her on .10 of a cc of baytril the 28 then like june 3 we upped it to .15 of a cc and like monday or tuesday we started giving her infant vits w/o iron 1/4 of a cc twice a day then yesterday we upped it to 1/2 a cc twice a day this whole time we have been force feeding her infant baby ceral because she will not eat or drink on her own she can not stand she lays on her side with her legs stretched out she uses her legs to scooth around

today she can hold her head a little better and she is starting to flap her wings and talk a little bit we try to help her stand but she falls over forward and then her neck gets twisted like to is trying to break her neck

they have been and still are on purina chick starter medicated and for the first 2 months they had electryles in there water and they have chick craked corn to nibble on if they like

we have been wanting to take her to a vet but we don't want them to say just put her down

we have seen pictures of the legs for mareks and hers don't look like them and her her eyes are colored good

also for bedding we use pine shavings klien dried and they have a flock block in there run

any help or thought would be appreciated we are willing to try anything
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Hi there, Sorry to here about your chick. I am having the same issue and have lost 4 chicks in the last week. I currently have two in my "hospital" and have been tube feeding them for 4 days now. I started tube feeding rice cereal and Karo with a little yogurt then I started adding some medicated chick starter.
One is a Black Orpington and I think he is finally coming around, he can stand and eat on his own. The other is a mix and he is getting stronger but not able to stand yet and doesn't eat on his own. It is all a waiting game.
We necropsied one of the dead chicks and are pretty sure it isn't coccidiosis. Husband said it looked like arsenic poisoning. The only good thing is I haven't had any more chicks go bad in 2 days now. Good luck and don't give up.
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she seems to not put her legs under her right they kind of bend straight out towards her tail and we are still force feeding her

how much vits can we give without killing her we are giving 1/2 cc 2 times a day
also if we just put the food on her tounge she eats it but will not peck and we put some apple in her beack and she tips her head back to eat them so she can sallow but she will not peck and still can't stand up

any other thoughts:)
I would write Glenda L. Heywood (hope I spelled it right) She gives out some good advice on sick chicks.

Here is her recipe

and put 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar per 1 gallon og water
and feed aa wet mash probiotic

for each chick make this
2tbsp of dry chicken crumbles
1tbsp of yoguart
2 tbsp of milk any kind
then feed this every day and when they are done clean the wet feeder up and restock dry crumbles

when not using the ACV you can put the vitamins in the water

And I wouldn't give any treats or anything like that until she's better. But Glenda knows better as well as threehorses and ddawn! Good luck! (and probably others but these are the ones I remember)

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