I have seven hens.
(2) Isa Browns. Both are 5 months. One (Clover) is laying, the other is close but no cigar.
(1) Golden Comet- She was stunted by TS, so shes still very tiny, not expecting any from her anytime soon.
(1) EE- 7 months old. I think she may have laid, but I posted the eggs I received and everyone on here thinks its from the Ameraucana. SOOO...
(1) Buff Orphington- I wasn't told an age when I got her, just that she was laying, which was about 3 months ago. Still nothing. I checked her pelvic spacing and its about an inch. I'm pretty sure I still have ways to go.
(1) Ameraucana (I think, its what I was told when she was given to me), she has laid. But stopped, no eggs from her in about two weeks.
(1) Bantam Cochin- She is about 5 1/2 months old. I'm hoping she turns out to be a constant broody hen. Any experiences with Cochins?
I know the Buff is going through a molt right now, the Ameraucana had finished her molt before I got her.
Anyone have experiences with these breeds or know how they lay? I was hoping for close to six eggs a day by now.
(2) Isa Browns. Both are 5 months. One (Clover) is laying, the other is close but no cigar.
(1) Golden Comet- She was stunted by TS, so shes still very tiny, not expecting any from her anytime soon.
(1) EE- 7 months old. I think she may have laid, but I posted the eggs I received and everyone on here thinks its from the Ameraucana. SOOO...
(1) Buff Orphington- I wasn't told an age when I got her, just that she was laying, which was about 3 months ago. Still nothing. I checked her pelvic spacing and its about an inch. I'm pretty sure I still have ways to go.
(1) Ameraucana (I think, its what I was told when she was given to me), she has laid. But stopped, no eggs from her in about two weeks.
(1) Bantam Cochin- She is about 5 1/2 months old. I'm hoping she turns out to be a constant broody hen. Any experiences with Cochins?
I know the Buff is going through a molt right now, the Ameraucana had finished her molt before I got her.
Anyone have experiences with these breeds or know how they lay? I was hoping for close to six eggs a day by now.