Jun 13, 2009 #1 rubyjane In the Brooder 10 Years May 20, 2009 50 0 29 WAREHAM i bought these two chickens an i don't know what kind they are.or what gender. i was hoping someone could help me
i bought these two chickens an i don't know what kind they are.or what gender. i was hoping someone could help me
Jun 13, 2009 Thread starter #2 rubyjane In the Brooder 10 Years May 20, 2009 50 0 29 WAREHAM they are about 4 weeks old i'm realy hoping they're brahma. also hoping one is a rooster
Jun 13, 2009 #3 ace6175 Songster 10 Years May 9, 2009 228 1 121 I have 2 just like this - I hope someone can let you know what kind, so then I will know!
Jun 13, 2009 #4 SMan In the Brooder 10 Years Mar 16, 2009 73 0 39 Ridgefield, Wa If that's a pea comb (and I can't tell from pic) its a Buff Brahma.
Jun 13, 2009 Thread starter #5 rubyjane In the Brooder 10 Years May 20, 2009 50 0 29 WAREHAM thank you so much thats what i'm hoping for. you can't tell if it is a roo in the 1st&2nd pic though am i wright?1st &2nd pic same chick.the 3rd pic another chick.oh boy i'm so excited.i'll try to get a better pic
thank you so much thats what i'm hoping for. you can't tell if it is a roo in the 1st&2nd pic though am i wright?1st &2nd pic same chick.the 3rd pic another chick.oh boy i'm so excited.i'll try to get a better pic
Jun 13, 2009 #6 rodriguezpoultry Langshan Lover 11 Years Jan 4, 2009 10,918 150 361 Claremore, OK It looks to have a single comb. Which means it's not a Buff Brahma.